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Cross cultural training

... make your time in Germany a success!

Every Expat-partner can have a good start

with the family in Germany:

with the Cross-Culture-Plan in 4 steps .


Understand how everyday life works in Germany, how Germans think and how you can build a new life for yourself and your family.

Schedule an appointment

Welcome to Germany!

It's great to discover a new country.

New people, a new culture, a new language, different food, a different mentality ...

this is a great adventure!

At the same time, this is also a major challenge:

You left your friends behind and maybe even quit your job. While your husband might make friends with new colleagues and have a great time in the office, you hardly know anyone and have to set up a new social network for yourself and your family.

Every day brings a multitude of new questions:

Where can I get washing powder? How do I find a doctor? What do the children need for school? Where can I find new friends?

Or also: What do I say on the phone? Or at the hairdresser's? Why did a woman look at me angrily in this situation - did I do something wrong? Why are there so many bakeries - do Germans really eat that much bread?

Above all, the amount of questions is exhausting. It's like playing a game where you don't know the rules - and it makes you feel lonely, misunderstood, or inadequate.

The time as an expat should be a very special time...

As an expat family, you usually only have a limited amount of time to discover and get to know the new country.

As a parent you also want to help your children to tackle their new life in a positive way. But that is much more difficult when you are struggling with the 'culture shock' yourself.

A difficult start can really affect the first few weeks or even months.

I know what it feels like to be new in a foreign country -

far from relatives and friends and without a social network that you can rely on if you have questions or need help.

As an expat partner, I lived with my family in Italy and England.

It wasn't easy to get off to on both occasions: when we moved to Italy I couldn't speak Italian. I was pregnant during both moves and initially had no friends on site. Both times I had to experience how severe a culture shock can be.

It took me many months to understand from various books, the Internet or by trying out how everyday life really works and how I was able to shape life successfully for our children.

Nobody should have to go through such a time without friends!

Like a friend I will be by your side during this time.

Cross culture in 4 steps - the plan for your successful start!

Alte Brücke
  1. Schedule an appointment where we can get to know each other via zoom.

  2. Based on your personal situation and your needs, I will develop a customized course plan. This plan can include a one-time training session or regular, for example monthly, meetings. Of course I can advise you on any new questions that arise during your entire time in Germany.

  3. Let's execute this plan together. You will recognize how and why people in Germany behave in a certain way and will be able compare it with your own culture. You will also receive specific information and gain insights into the areas of life that are important for you and your family.

  4. Enjoy your time in Germany! The culture shock is minimized. You and your family have a successful time abroad.

Because experience shows:

Postings abroad fail time and again. As a rule, this is not due to the problems of the employee, who is employed during the day in a professional and often international work environment.

It is particularly difficult for the expat partner and / or the children, who have to find their way in a completely new and foreign-language environment. They have to deal much more closely with the social and cultural characteristics in Germany.

Niedlicher Planer

Well prepared

The time in Germany brings many changes and challenges. I'll show you what's coming your way and prepare you for it.


Start relaxed


Everything is new. Many things are confusing. During this time I will help you to understand your new environment and to make yourself understood.

Happy Family Portrait

enjoy your time

You don't waste time, you just tackle the new life! There is so much to discover!

I look forward to

getting to know you!

Charlotte - CharLingua
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